As a Nutritional Therapist specialising in the skin and a natural skincare creator, its safe to say that helping Women to have beautiful , healthy skin (naturally) is my passion.
And I really do feel for anyone who is struggling with their skin or has ever struggled with their skin because I was that person years ago. It started with teenage acne which then became adult acne, plus I had eczema and really dry skin. Then rosacea appeared in my early twenties.
When you have a problem with your skin it can have a really big impact on how you feel -your self esteem, your confidence and the way that you show up in life. It can really affect your mental health and emotional health. You become willing to try anything in order to solve the problem, get your skin back to how it was and get on with your life.
Cue the skincare industry.
And yes, I have a hand crafted skincare range, so I am part of that industry! But this blog is the result of so many clients coming to see me having spent huge amounts of their hard earned money on all the products and treatments.
When they find me, they feel like they have tried ‘all the things’, spent hours searching for the answer and going down lots of rabbit holes. They haven't got the results that they want or in some cases it's made their skin worse and more irritated and sensitive so they are understandably frustrated.
What you need to know- My top tips
1) First off, many of these creams and ointments that my clients have been using are strong and can be really harsh on the skin, so they often dry it out and irritate it. Scrubs and exfoliators for example, particularly those that are used on the face can be particularly problematic if you already have sensitive skin so you should avoid anything that has a really grainy texture to it as this can cause damage to the skin barrier. Please choose something that is soft and gentle.
2) My next tip is to make sure you use the products in a really effective way. How can you do this? Well think about how great your skin feels after you've been for a facial or a body massage. Yes it's relaxing but also it's the act of the movement and massage on your skin which helps the product to be absorbed and work more effectively.
So regardless of what product you're using, something that you can do easily is to take a few minutes to gently massage the product into your skin . Whether its a moisturiser, serum or a body cream, this also encourages blood circulation which delivers oxygen and nutrients to your skin. The result is a nice healthy glow. P.S A self-massage is relaxing, it relieves tension and it's a nice thing to do particularly at the end of the day to help you to wind down before you go to bed.
3) Finally, look out for water in products. if you have ever looked at the ingredients list of your skincare and body care products, you will usually see water or ‘aqua’ listed on the ingredients list. Lots of products contain a large amount of water and you can check this by having a look at where it is listed on the ingredients list- if it's near the top/start, that means that there is a lot of water in it.
I would invite you to have a think about whether you want to spend a lot of money on a product that is 80 or 90% water! I will caveat this by saying that some products that have been designed specifically for some skin conditions will have water in them because they are an emollient based product, but if you're buying a standard skin care product for your skin and not for a particular skin condition, a high water content is not necessary.
4) Bonus tip: If you have a complex skin condition or a skin problem that you've been struggling with for some time, it may not be resolved by using something on the skin externally like a cream, balm or an ointment.
We have to look at what is going on internally because this is often reflected in our skin. Issues like gut health, liver health, emotional health, the lymphatic system and hormone balance all play a part, as does whether we are actually getting the correct amounts of vitamins and minerals, fibre, protein and fatty acids that we need in our diet for our skin to function properly. Working with a practitioner who can help you get to the bottom of these issues will bring you the long term (and often life changing) results that you want.
Look out for part 2 of the skincare secrets blog coming soon and in the meantime get in touch to get the support you need and deserve for your skin.
Hi, I'm Amy. I help Women to nurture their skin to look and feel fantastic through targeted nutrition and handmade, natural skincare products. Are you struggling with problem skin? or maybe you just want beautiful, natural products?
Get in touch via my website www.naturallygrownhealth.co.uk